Mont Blanc climb and epic ski descent!

An epic summit day on the Mont Blanc!!! The weather had been tricky all week and we were debating whether or not to head up. Still, we ascended up to the Grand Mulet refuge in thunder and a hail storm, with hope that the weather forecast was correct....a tiny window for us to go up the next day:) We woke up at midnight and the snow was swirling around. We went back to sleep and then at 2am the skies cleared and we were ready to go! We skinned up the mountain on our skis, as far as we could and then when we hit the steep ice on the Bosson Glacier, we swapped for crampons and ice tools and put the skis on our packs. We continued on up to the Vallot hut back on our skis and after a brief rest, we were swapped back into crampons and climbing up towards the final spinal ridge to the summit. It was beautiful on top with a bluebird sky and the clouds moving around far below us. We were so lucky and grateful that the weather had co-operated. Then it was time for the ski descent...We decided to ski the North Face of the mountain and what a treat was in store for us! The conditions were fantastic and some of the best the North Face had ever been in. It was really an epic descent and we joyfully made our turns, navigating down through the beautiful serac formations, that sparkled and glimmered in the early morning light. Conditions lower on the mountain reminded us that it was June, but we returned to the hut tired and happy for a celebration of our big adventure on skis, on the Mont Blanc!